Monday, October 18, 2010

Its Monday...

Loan stuff is gay, I had to complete a quiz in order to get this loan. It was so easy just time consuming. They were either true or All of the Above. Gay.
Woke up this morning and took a nasty poop. It was a two dayer, brushed my teeth and showered. Went to chapel just to find out there is no chapel. Then I  came back to my dorm and studied my music reading. We then went to the Kum and Go to get something to drink and then took our quiz in music. I got a good grade on it. Then I went to History class and wrote notes. After class we all ate at the Mellers and had nasty food with tater tots. I mixed a really sorry excuse for a ski. After we ate, I then started working on my Student Loan stuff. Gay... After I got half way through that I took another nasty crap then  went to work where I did a whole lot of nothing and then came back to the dorm to work on my student loans. After I completed that task I then went to the Cat Snack and ate a somewhat good sandwich. Then got stuff ready for the Jazz concert. Before I went to the jazz concert, me and Matt were playing some hallway golf. I got nailed in the foot with the ball. Then me and my roommate went to the jazz concert. I now hate jazz. gaygaygaygaygaygaygaygay....... I also got a parking ticket.... I'm now very angry and I want to kill someone.... stupid SBU security, they don't know anything....
After I was blinded by anger, I then went to lift. After I lifted I came back to the dorm and took a shower and     then went to bed. I feel like I could take another crap.... even nastier than the last one.
Oh. I also played darts with Charlie and I smoked the door with one of the darts. It was funny at the time... not really now....

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