Woke up and took my daily shower and brushed my teeth. Then I went to Chapel and slept. Then went to my first class and then went to my last class of the day. Then went to lunch. It was gross, so I then went to plead with the music teacher to give me credit for a concert that I forgot to turn in my white slip. Then I went to work where I changed some light bulbs and looked at a smoking light on second floor Gott. Then I braked in my room for a little bit and me and Peter ate Brock's sunflower seeds. He doesn't know that they were his. Then I got off work and then went to supper and hardly ate any thing. Then Taylor, Brock, and I went and got pipes and then went to go lift. Then we came back and then I worked on some Calc. homework and then I took a shower and went to bed.
Oh I also took a HUGE crap. No joke it was over 15in long.
Random Review of the Day
Coffee- I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!!!! Its Like Crack!!!!
It's not as good as Ski though...