Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Teusday... ya its dull.

Woke up at 7 and took my shower, brushed my teeth, and farted a little bit. I went to my first class and listened to a guy talk about something in Business Calc. I was lost. After class I went and got a biscuit and I saw Brock and his girl friend and Sheldon and his girlyfriend. I then went to University Seminar. It was dumb. I have a stupid test next week. Then Grant and I, hes a friend of mine from welcome week, went to our next class. We sat there and shot the bull and then went to English. It was boring... but she did read my essay and told me how to make it better. She wrote a comment on a latter essay and it said, "A interesting essay!" I corrected her and put an AN instead of just an A. That was a bad idea to tell her that. I then went to lunch with Matt and then came back to listen to Preston gripe. He gets so worked up about stuff. I then worked on getting stuff ready for my next class and tried to take a poop. Decided not to take a poop. I then went to work after class and then went to dinner. I then went to the talent show that I should have won in... Stupid Landin gay crap.... came back and had a good time at the talent show. Stupid other people... I then played hallway golf with Matt P. and I got hit in the foot with two golf balls. I then went and took a shower and went to bed.

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